Climate Change is the defining issue of our time, and we are at that defining moment
At Sterling, we're dedicated to creating a future rooted in environmental consciousness. Our mission is clear – to provide unique solutions that not only enhance your business but also contribute to a positive environmental legacy. Our commitment to sustainable innovation drives us, ensuring that every step we take is measured with careful consideration for our environmental footprint
We are determined to tackle global warming and its effects on climate change. Significantly reducing our energy consumption is a crucial way to make an impact. Our latest investment in cutting-edge press technology has allowed us to do exactly that.
More for less
We are setting a new standard for environmental responsibility and operational efficiency. Through our pioneering new web press (the first of its kind anywhere in the world), we can now produce two to three times our previous output, whilst cutting our energy usage in half.
For the same amount of energy we used previously, we can now print twice the quantity!

We are strategically situated in the heart of the UK’s ‘Golden Triangle’ trunk road network, our location offers unparalleled access to the country’s premier distribution network.
With its exceptional connectivity to national roads and motorways, we can reach approximately 90% of the population within four hours. Our Midlands location not only reduces journey times, but it also allows us to minimise your carbon footprint too.
We can reach approximately 90% of the UK population within 4 hours

We have switched to 100% renewable energy made up from wind, solar, & tidal sources only, giving an effective zero emissions production process

All of our paper is from FSC Chain of Custody Certified
All of our paper from sustainably sourced mills with ISO14001 and FSC certification
We have moved our main grade of paper to one of the most environmentally friendly mills in Europe reducing our CO2e by more than 80%
Within the next 10 years, we are aiming to source all of our paper from net zero mills

All waste is segregated into streams and recycled according to waste product type
Paper waste is processed and recycled by type i.e. white paper, inked paper, and confidential waste. It is then baled for collection and recycling
No waste goes to landfill
In 2023, we recycled over 1,545 tonnes of paper, 43 tonnes of metal and 17 tonnes of chemicals

ISO 9001 - Quality
ISO 14001 - Environmental
ISO 27001 - Information Security
ISO 45001 - Operational Health & Safety
“You can't know where you are going until you know where you have been.”
Sustainability – Emissions
Famously, the author and activist Maya Angelou wrote "You can't know where you are going until you know where you have been"; which is particularly pertinent to carbon emissions.
With this in mind, we have measured our emissions for our base year of 2020, and then the last two most recent financial years – 2023 and 2024.
To ensure that we cut no corners, and that we show the full and true story of our emissions, we have measured across all aspects of our emissions, including our supply chain. These emissions are categorised into Scopes 1, 2, & 3 as specified by the Greenhouse Gas Protocols.
We’ll be publishing our full results on our website soon, but in summary our results are as follows:
2020 - Full carbon footprint = 13,230 T of CO2e
2023 - Full carbon footprint = 8,484 T of CO2e
2024 - Full carbon footprint = 9,825 T of CO2e
The rise in 2024 was only because we invested over £5M in our new LED web offset press, so this has increased our emissions only for that year, but they will drop again, substantially, next year.
If we take our capital expenditure figures out as they are an investment for future carbon reduction, we have achieved a 37.5% reduction in carbon emissions in just 4 years!
We should add for the first six months of the current financial year 24/25, we have produced 50% more work than for the same period and used less energy!
“A trip without a destination is only a journey”
Sustainability - Net Zero Targets
Many businesses and organisations have set off on their journey to sustainability and net zero, and we support this journey, but at Sterling we believe in setting challenging targets to help us reach our destination: Net Zero.
After measuring our emissions, and looking at the trends, plus the science behind those trends, we have set the following targets:
Near Term Target of 50% reduction in total emissions = 2027
Net Zero Target, defined as 90% reduction and 10% carbon sequestration = 2035
We will be getting these targets checked and verified, plus publishing a full ESG report by early 2025 to show in more detail how we aim to achieve these targets and how we are progressing.